Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Us Versus Them San Diego, CA.

After a visit with Alyasha we headed over to Us Versus Them a few blocks away. We carry UVT at Blue Hawaii Surf and I wanted to see their buildout in person to get a better understanding of the brand and what they were all about.Outside of having a shop like this it's really hard for a consumer to understand and get a feel for exactly what a brand is. When we arrived it appeared that they were closed but James Banuelos the owner kindly let us in and gave us the lowdown and history of Us Versus Them.

This was the view from the small alley that UVT is located. Kinda tricky finding it but if you know where Horton Plaza parking lot is on the G St. side you'll run into it. Already was digging the window display when walked up!

300 G St
(between Union St & State St)
San DiegoCA 92101
Neighborhood: Gaslamp

VIP parking stall right in the shop!

I've seen this place online as well as Instagam but there's nothing like seeing a place in person. James Banuelos pictured here is the owner of UVT San Diego. He also owns City Fog his other company that makes surfboards as well as clothing. James is originally from Santa Cruz and grew in that 80's surf, skate, hot rod culture. He's a pretty passionate guy when it comes to what it is that UVT and City Fog is doing. I first noticed UVT a few year back because of a video that was online showing some lowbrow art, tattoo art, and custom lowriders on the UVT website. UVT came about in Temecula where one of the founding UVT partners just recently opened up the UVT Garage where they work on custom cars and have shows as well. This is definitely a place where someone who's into lowbrow art and custom culture should come to support. Unfortunately with all the big box mall shops packaging up image and feeding people the wrong message it's really hard to be heard and understood. It's shops like UVT were community is built and knowledge is shared with like minded people and people interested in this lifestyle should be supporting. Mahalo James for your time and for showing us some aloha!

Quiver of City Fog logs and old skool skate decks on display.

Custom striping and artwork on an old sewing machine, gas tank, and helmets.

More striping and artwork mixed in with some UVT gear and Social D video.

Custom lowbrow art on some surfboards. Would be cool to see these things out in the water. Wonder if the flaked out purple board would give the illusion of a lure. Maybe better on display!

Window display with a place to kick it and take in everything. Kinda bummed because I didn't take photos of the whole build out in the shop which was very well done.